


Unit  3  

Task 1: Focusing on the Main Ideas

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.

1        Accordingto this monologue, we know that the girl’s sisters ________.

A)     totally forgot their mother’sbirthday

B)     brought birthday presents to theirmother

C)     prepared a birthday picnic for theirmother

D)     reminded the girl of their mother’sbirthday


2        Thegirl said that ________.

A)     she felt bad for forgetting hermother’s birthday

B)     she had saved some money for hermother’ birthday

C)     she spent much time preparing abirthday present for her mother

D)     she prepared the picnic as thebirthday present for her mother


3.  The girl went to the store________.

A)    tobuy some plastic paper

B)    tobuy herself a piggy bank

C)    tobuy typewriter correction paper

D)    tobuy her mother a birthday present


4.  The cashier at the store________.

A)    paidfor the girl’s present

B)    feltsympathetic towards the girl

C)    askedthe girl to buy a plastic heart

D)    helpedthe girl by paying for the difference


5. The girl alwaysremembers the heart she gave her mother because ________.

A)    itwas the present her mother longed for

B)    itwas associated with some special memory

C)    itwas handmade by herself for her mother

D)    itwas the most expensive present she ever got


Task 2: Zooming In on the Details

Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.

The girlfelt    (1)     whenher sisters came because she had forgotten that it was         (2)         .She did not         (3)      to know that, so she quicklytook one dollar—the only money she had—from her piggy bank. She was sure thatwith this one dollar she could buy her mother a present that would show hermother                (4)            , but when she went into a shop she foundthat one dollar          (5)           as much as she thought it would. Shefinally chose a plastic heart that was        (6)        cents. When she went to the cashier tomake the payment, she was told that it cost more than a dollar because of thesales tax. She was so disappointed and had to          (7)         . Then the cashier put some of her ownpennies into the        (8)       and gave her the heart in a bag. When thegirl’s mother saw the present, she exclaimed, “           (9)             !”and she then put the little girl on      (10)    and told her that she loved the heartand the girl.


Task One: Focusing on the Main Ideas

1. B)  2. A)   3. D)  4. D)   5. B)

Task Two: Zooming in on the details 

The girl felt sad (1) when her sisters came because shehad forgotten that it was hermother’s birthday (2). She did not want her mother (3) to know that, so she quickly tookone dollar—the only money she had—from her piggy bank. She was sure that withthis one dollar she could buy her mother a present that would show her mother how much she loved her (4),but when she went into a shop she found that one dollar wouldn’t buy(5) as much as she thought it would. She finally chose a plastic heart that wasninety-nine(6)cents. When she went to the cashier to make the payment, she was told that itcost more than a dollar because of the sales tax. She was so disappointed and hadto put the heart back(7). Then the cashier put some of her own pennies into the cash register (8) and gaveher the heart in a bag. When the girl’s mother saw the present, she exclaimed,“What a beautiful presentIt’s just what I need. (9)” andshe then put the little girl on herlap(10) andtold her that she loved the heart and the girl.  

heBirthday Heart

One day I was helping my mom preparing a picnic when my sisters arrived. They said,“Happy birthday, Mom!” and gave her some presents.

    I was sad. I had forgotten itwas my mother’s birthday, but I didn’t want her to know that I had notremembered her birthday. I had one dollar in my piggy bank. With that I wassure that I could get a present that would show my mother how much I loved her.

    I went to the store. When Ilooked around, I suddenly realized that my dollar wouldn’t buy as much as I hadthought it would. Then I saw a heart made of plastic. It contained typewritercorrection paper. I knew that it would show my mother how much I loved her. Itwas ninety-nine cents.

    I took the heart to the cashierand gave her my dollar. She said that I didn’t have enough money because withtax the heart cost more than a dollar.

    I didn’t understand sales tax.All I understood was that I couldn’t give the heart to my mom. I went to putthe heart back and the cashier asked me if it was my mom’s birthday. I nodded.Then she said that she could help me. She put some of her own pennies in thecash register with my dollar and gave me the heart in a bag.

    When my mother opened the bagand pulled out the heart, she exclaimed “What a beautiful present!” “It’s justwhat I need.” She put me on her lap and told me that she loved the heart andshe loved me.

I don’t remember many of the gifts thatI have given my mother, but I will always remember the heart that I gave her onthat birthday.

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