



Unit  7   


Task 1: Focusing on the Main Ideas

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.

1          The listening passage mainly shows that________.

A)    it is necessary to tell white lies in life

B)    it is important to be truthful to your friend

C)    most people tell white lies now and then

D)    telling white lies is a way to keep friendship


2          Jim was angry with Kimberly because________.

A)    she won the scholarship, but he didn’t

B)    she told him not to apply for scholarship

C)    she won the scholarship, but told him that shedidn’t

D)    she hurt him by saying that she won thescholarship


3          Jim and Kimberly resolved their misunderstanding by ________.

A)    allowing for communication and explanation

B)    refusing to talk with the person who told alie

C)    apologizing sincerely to each other

D)    clarifying to each other the actual situation


4          According to Kimberly,  __________.

A)    it’s fine to tell white lies out of goodintentions

B)    white lies shouldn’t be told to good friends

C)    Jim is a more honest person than herself

D)    white lies need to be more clearly defined


5          The study conducted by Reader’s Digestreveals that most Asian people _________.

A)    may not be honest on certain occasions

B)    may not be honest when money is involved

C)    may not be honest when nobody is watching

D)    may speak highly of their own honesty whenasked

Task 2: Zooming In on the Details

Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.

1          The listening passage mainly shows that________.

A)    it is necessary to tell white lies in life

B)    it is important to be truthful to your friend

C)    most people tell white lies now and then

D)    telling white lies is a way to keep friendship


2          Jim was angry with Kimberly because________.

A)    she won the scholarship, but he didn’t

B)    she told him not to apply for scholarship

C)    she won the scholarship, but told him that shedidn’t

D)    she hurt him by saying that she won thescholarship


3          Jim and Kimberly resolved theirmisunderstanding by ________.

A)    allowing for communication and explanation

B)    refusing to talk with the person who told alie

C)    apologizing sincerely to each other

D)    clarifying to each other the actual situation


4          According to Kimberly,  __________.

A)    it’s fine to tell white lies out of goodintentions

B)    white lies shouldn’t be told to good friends

C)    Jim is a more honest person than herself

D)    white lies need to be more clearly defined


5          The study conducted by Reader’s Digestreveals that most Asian people _________.

A)    may not be honest on certain occasions

B)    may not be honest when money is involved

C)    may not be honest when nobody is watching

D)    may speak highly of their own honesty whenasked



1 B   2C  3 A 4 A  5 A


SectionC  Task Two: Zooming In on the Details

Listen to the recording again and fill ineach of the blanks according to what you have heard.

1        Kimberlyis _____________ that she _____________ to Jim.


2        Shewants a _____________ to explain to Jim. She now knows that she was _____________to think that Jim might not find out the truth.


3        Jimthinks that it is better for the scholarship to _____________ than _____________.


4        In2004, Reader’s Digest tried to find out from _____________ people in _____________about how _____________ . They asked _____________ questions about _____________.


5        Therewere two situations in which people were most honest. They were:

(1)_____________ to the supermarketcashier if given too much change; and

(2) _____________ to the owner.


6        Therewere two situations in which most people were dishonest. They were:

(1) _____________ and ____________software illegally; and

(2) _____________ at a co-worker’sbankbook.

Task One: Focusing on the Main Ideas

1.B)   2. C)   3. A)    4. A)   5. A)   

Task Two: Zooming in on the details 


1        Kimberly is sorry thatshe lied to Jim.


2        She wants a chance toexplain to Jim. She now knows that she was wrong to think that Jim mightnot find out the truth.


3        Jim thinks that it is betterfor the scholarship to go to her than to other people.


4        In 2004, Reader’s Digesttried to find out from 1,600 people inAsiaabout how honest they were. They asked ten questions abouttheireveryday life.


5        There were two situations inwhich people were most honest. They were:

(1) returning money tothe supermarket cashier if given too much change; and

(2) returninga wallet to the owner.


6        There were two situations inwhich people were most dishonest. They were:

(1) downloading and usingsoftware illegally; and

(2) taking a look at aco-worker’s bankbook.


One  afternoon after school.


Hey, Jim! Wait for me!




Jim! Jim! Please stop for a  while. I would like to talk to you.


I have nothing to say to you,  Kimberly. You lied to me and I am still very angry with you. I can’t believe  my best friend lied to me.


I can explain, Jim. Please let  me have the chance to explain to you.


Okay. I’ll give you two minutes,  only two minutes to explain yourself.


Alright, Jim. I told you I didn’t  win the scholarship because I thought you might be hurt.


Well, you hurt me by not telling  me the truth.


I’m sorry, Jim. I really am. I  thought that I could hide the truth from you. I just didn’t want you to feel  hurt.


I would have been happy for you,  Kimberly, although I didn’t win the scholarship. I may be a bit sad not  getting the scholarship but I am happy that you got it. It’s better that the  scholarship goes to you than to other people.


Thanks, Jim. I am really, really  sorry. Would you forgive me, please?


What you have just heard is a  dialogue on how two good friends, Kimberly and Jim, tried to settle their  misunderstanding. Kimberly told Jim a white lie because she didn’t want to  hurt him. 

How many of you do not tell lies  at all, not even white lies? How honest are you? Can you really say that you  are an honest person? Well, in 2004, Reader’s  Digest tried to find out how honest 1600 people in different parts of Asia were. They asked these people to answer ten  questions about their everyday life. Two situations where people were most  honest were returning money to the supermarket cashier if he/she was given more  change and returning a wallet to the owner. However, most people would  download and use software illegally or take a look at a co-worker’s bankbook  if he or she left it open on the desk.

What would you do in each of  these situations? Tell yourself the answers honestly and you will find out  how honest a person you are.



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