

英语点学 2022-06-09

Listening and Speaking


Oh! College, Here I Am!

We are faced with developmental tasks at many points as we grow up, and there are a few stages in life when we meet multiple 1) challenges all at once. The transition from high school to college is one of those critical 

2) developmental periods. It is an exciting time that typically leads to 

3) considerable gains in maturity. 

4) Transitioning from high school to college, we see a new world opening in 

5) beauty and brightness. In the wonderland of 

6) knowledge, we feel the enormous urge to know all the things that 7) lie within ourselves. The whole campus is filled with the spirit of wisdom and 

8) freedom. With the excitement and nervousness, we start experiencing the great pleasures of acquiring knowledge in an institute of higher learning where we transform ourselves into the more 

9) confident, intellectual and popular person that everyone on campus 10) desires to be.

2. For reference

1. what you saw: beautiful campus, tall teaching buildings, clean dining halls, quiet libraries, friendly teachers and classmates, etc.

2. how you felt: interested, delighted, worried, lost, excited, embarrassed, shy, lonely, etc.

Text A

Reading Comprehension



amazing, dream, hard, fantastic, unimaginable, disappointing, challenging, ...




Paras. 1-3

hard choice to make between universities

Para. 4

the author's eagerness, anxiety and fear about life at Harvard

Paras. 5-8

academic work at Harvard

Paras. 9-10

outside class/extracurricular activities

Paras. 11-12

Harvard's diversity and accessibility


The author intends to talk about her life at Harvard University which is probably fantastic, challenging and fulfilling.


Life at Harvard University

The author's expectations and anxiety

eager to start the next phase of her life; 
anxious at the thought of being so far from home; 
having no idea what to expect

The author's experiences

in academic life

learning that college is far from easy and academics are harder than ever; 
getting the freedom to study whatever interests her; 
learning to collaborate in study groups; 
experiencing a nice change from high school through Harvard's reading period

in extracurricular life

finding her home and becoming part of the Harvard community; 
understanding diversity, which is one of the best things Harvard has to offer; 
learning what's great about Harvard and its surrounding area: everything is so accessible

The author's overall impressions

feeling blessed and overwhelmed at Harvard, but still feeling there is no other place she'd rather be

Reading and Discussing


For reference

1) Diversity refers to the cultural and ethnic varieties in the composition of Harvard’s student base.

Language in Use


·        1) overlooking


·        2) overwhelming


·        3) enroll


·        4) keen


·        5) blend

·        6) inspiration


·        7) frequented


·        8) diversity


·        9) passion


·        10) incredible


1) The Sept. 4 game between the Seahawks and the Packers kicked off this year’s football season.

2) A big part of a woman’s diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber foods, and oily fish.

3) Eleanor Roosevelt, who was a shy young girl, was terrified at the thought of speaking in public.

4) Senior citizens, military veterans and businessmen make up the group of people requesting for government information in the United States.

5) The schedule will make you aware of how you spend your time.


·        reach a decision (达成决定)


·        shape one’s life (塑造生活)


·        analyze a problem (分析问题)

·        approve a decision (通过决定)


·        improve one’s life (改善生活)


·        solve a problem (解决问题)

·        1) making


·        2) reach


·        3) changed


·        4) shape

·        5) enjoy


·        6) solve


·        7) analyze


·        8) encounter


·        1) dishonest


·        2) illegal


·        3) substandard


·        4) irregular


·        5) unlock

·        6) incorrect


·        7) outnumber


·        8) supermarket


·        9) Undergraduate


·        10) overestimate


1) 学习小组合作学习对应对哈佛繁重的学习任务起着重要的作用。

2) 哈佛及其周边地区值得称道之处是:一切都相当便利。

3) 我决定先实地考察一下这两所学校再做最后选择,没想到的是,我竟然喜欢上了哈佛。

4) 我申请的是医学预科,但一个学期下来,我发现在下一年确定专业之前,我实际上有无数的方向可以选择。

5) 在哈佛的学业压力会很大,但我就是宁愿呆在这里。


1) As is known to all, the year 2003 saw the successful launching of China’s first manned spaceship.

2) Time has witnessed the long history, free academic atmosphere and energetic students’ life of the university.

3) The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China.

4) Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city, has witnessed many great historic events.

5) A visit to the places where he had studied and worked during his youth brought back many fond memories.

Text B

Reading Comprehension



It can be a difficult time to move away from everything familiar to you.


Join an extracurricular activity. (Para. 6)

Make a friend. (Para. 7)

Try relaxation methods. (Para. 8)

Take time for yourself each day. (Para. 9)


Becoming autonomous. (Para. 12)

Establishing identity. (Para. 13)

Freeing interpersonal relationships. (Para. 14)

Establishing and clarifying purposes. (Para. 15)

Developing integrity. (Para.16)

Language in Use


·        1) significantly


·        2) exhausted


·        3) relaxing


·        4) concealed


·        5) intellectual

·        6) triggers


·        7) clarified


·        8) integrate


·        9) was established


·        10) fatigue


·        1) thinking about


·        2) focus on


·        3) carry on

·        4) contribute to


·        5) conform to/with


·        6) copes with


Reference translation

1) 按照轻重缓急安排工作会让你觉得一切必做之事都在自己掌控中,而且感觉一定能做好。

2) 长期的疲劳是诱发抑郁的关键因素。每晚睡七八个小时对(你的)健康很重要。

3) 这些包括:静思,深呼吸,泡热水澡,远足,锻炼——任何你喜欢且可以减轻你的压力和不适感的方法都可以。

4) 关注自己可以让你精力充沛,感到目标明确并觉得自己能掌控自己的生活。

5) 培养能够宽容各种不同类型的人的能力是这项任务的一个重要方面,该任务要求尊重和接受不同背景、信仰、文化、种族、生活方式和外貌的人。


Exercise 1

1) Topic Sentence:

I’m slowly realizing, though, that the best assets Harvard has offered me thus far have been the other students I’ve met.

The limited topic is “the best assets Harvard has offered me”.

The controlling idea is “the other students I’ve met”.

2) Supporting details:

a) Almost everyone I’ve encountered here has been so down-to earth that every time I see those same people either singing an incredibly moving song at an acapella concert, performing an amazing violin solo at a talent show, or saying something extremely profound in one of my classes, I’m shocked.

b) There are so many gifted people here; it’s easy to feel insecure.

c) But once I realize that, no, I’m not “the freshman the admissions office accidentally let in”, and learn to be comfortable with who I am, I can begin to appreciate all the talent that surrounds me.

3) Concluding sentence:

I think that’s what will make my Harvard experience truly priceless.

Exercise 2


a) When Jack could not fit any more groceries into his cart, he decided to go to the checkout counter.

b) Jack decided to go to the checkout counter because he could not fit any more groceries into his cart.


a) If the vendor machine is under repair, we won’t be able to get any soda.

b) We won’t be able to get any soda as the vendor machine is under repair.


a) All the class went hiking in the mountain when it was raining.

b) Although it was raining, all the class went hiking in the mountain.


a) Once there is a clearance sale, I will buy four pairs of shoes and two bags that I have longed for.

b) I will buy four pairs of shoes and two bags that I have longed for since there is a clearance sale.

Exercise 3


My First Day of College

My first day of college is an unforgettable day in my life. I woke up early in the morning, curiously and nervously waiting for the moment to set foot on the campus. I walked with great joy, impressed by the lovely buildings, the old giant trees everywhere throughout the campus, and even more so, by the cool, crisp mountain air that kept hitting my nose. In the central square I stopped for a while, and listened to the music playing on the school’s radio station. Students were happily moving from class to class along the corridors. Professors were smiling broadly and exchanging greetings with students in a friendly manner. All these things reminded me that I needed to get used to the “college ways” of doing things, which are so different from those at high school. On that special day, I really felt a new rhythm of life with a mixed sense of duty and liberty.


