
新世纪大学英语综合教程第三册 Unit 7课后练习答案

6分钟英语 2022-06-09

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Unit  7

Words in Action1

1.       In the box below are some of the words you have learnt in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form wherenecessary.


1)         associate

2)         specializes

3)         combined

4)         emphasis

5)         suffices

6)         phase

7)         presided

8)         peculiar

9)         rear

10)      negotiate

11)      indispensable

12)      illusion

13)      implemented

14)      reconcile


2.       In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use themin the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-fillingexercise. Change the form where necessary.


  • stayout of

  • tryout

  • instore

  • lendthemselves to

  • inessence

  • inaccordance with

  • cryingout for

  • Seeto it that

  • haveno business

  • get out of

  • to this end

  • calls for

  • brought about

  • averaged out


Increasing Your Word Power

1. Study the following pairs of words whichare similar in meaning. Reflect on the differences in usage between the wordsin each pair and fill in each blank with an appropriate one. Change the formwhere necessary.


1)         participating

2)         enroll

3)         proved

4)         certified

5)         reveal

6)         exposed

7)         assume

8)         think

9)         host

10)      presiding

11)      shook

12)      shuddered

13)      negotiating

14)      reconcile

15)      diversity

16)      distinction

17)      imagination

18)      illusion

19)      scheme

20)      plan


2. The prefixes radio-and tele- are used to form new words, as isshown in the following table.

Now fill in the blanks in the following sentencesusing the words in the above table. Change the forms where necessary.


  • telescopes

  • telecast

  • Telemarketing

  • radioactive

  • radio frequency

  • teleplay

  • teleconference

Grammar in Context2

1.      Examine the following sentences, paying special attention to the twodifferent sentence patterns introduced respectively by “so…that” and “such…that.”

Now recast the following sentences using “so…that” or “such…that”.

Answers for reference:

1)       sucha shy boy

2)       sucha well-written report

3)       sucha long time

4)       somany people

5)       sofirmly


2.      The italicised subordinators (从属连词) in the following sentences are incorrectly used. Study the sentencescarefully and put the correct ones inthe brackets.


1)       before

2)       when

3)       until

4)       unless

5)       as




Complete the following passage with words and phrases chosen fromText A. The initial letter of each is given.


1)         Tothis end

2)         instore

3)         indispensable

4)         callsfor

5)         diversity

6)         implement

7)         Inaccordance with

8)         emphasis

9)         combining

10)       in depth

11)       equip

12)       independent

13)       access

14)       get…out of




1. Translate the following sentencesinto English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.

Answers for reference:

1)         A positive attitude towardslife is indispensable in that / becauseit lays the foundations for the successesof one’s future work and studies.

2)         West China is crying out fortalented people for its development. Tothis end, the government has laid down / made favorable policies, callingfor more college graduates to go and work there.

3)         Upon / On graduation, thepresident will present you with the diploma,which certifies that you have specialized in business administrationand passed all the exams you are required to take.

4)         Web addicts spend so much timeon the Internet that they are unable to drawa distinction between the virtual world and the real world.

5)         A university will see to it that every student is put intouch with mankind’s spiritual resources, even if they are merely fragments of those great thinkers’minds and experience.

6)         Distance learning is a global trend. With its quick growth / development,people are given / can enjoy an equally convenient access to educational resources, no matter where they are.


2.       Translate thefollowing paragraph into English using the words and expressions in the boxbelow.

Answers for reference:

A university, in essence,provides students with both occupationaltraining and intellectual development. The students acquire professional skills in order to havethe minimum qualifications to become specialists, such as pharmacists,engineers, technicians and lawyers. It might be reasonable to believe thatthose skills suffice to enable themto get a good job. Nevertheless,does one feel content with merely a good job? We know that most young peoplewho enroll in universities long for not only professional training, but alsoquality education; namely, they wantto learn what the past learnt for them and get in touch with the minds andexperience of the master thinkers in order to become civilized people. Thosewho are knowledgeable only in their peculiarfields may be labeled (as) “mechanizedsavages”, because of their incompetencein understanding the thinking and works of other fields, for example,philosophy, literature and the arts.Thus, the university is most likely to help young people realize twodreams after they graduate:having a good job where their occupational training will beeffective, and living a meaningful life for which diversity of knowledge is required.


Theme-Related Writing5


Do either one of the following two tasks after class.

1.      Write an essay entitled “The Significance ofLifelong Education.” The following outline may be of some help:

1)     In the past, a collegeeducation was enough to ensure a well-paid, much-respected job and a sense ofachievement.

2)     Today, with the increasingcompetition in our “knowledge society”, it is a must to renew one’s knowledgeand upgrade one’s skills. What’s more, a general college education serves only asa passport to lifetime education.

3)     The concept of lifelong education finds expression inthe slogan “Live and Learn.”


2.      “Should Family Schooling Exist?” This questionis raised in a news report carried in an English newspaper inChina. Read thereport below and write a short essay to express your own views on the issue.


Sample essay for task 1:

The Significance of Lifelong Education

Decades ago, due tothe low standard of living inChina,only a small percentage of the nation’s population could receive collegeeducation. Once given the opportunity, one would surely secure a well-paid andmuch-respected job, which he or she would probably do for a lifetime. Therefore,to secure a college degree used to be the ultimate goal of a person’seducation.

Today,however, we are living in what is called a “knowledge society,” wherecreative ideas and innovations are generated at a fantastic speed. One mustconstantly renew one’s knowledge and upgrade one’s skills so as to meet theneeds of the changing world. Moreover, at the stage of generaleducation, it is pointless for a person to attempt to know everything. When oneis required to settle down to be a specialist in a specific field, one has tomake an in-depth study of the subject one is supposed to know. In this sense,general education can providestudents with only a passport to lifelong education. As Robert Maynard Hutchins oncesaid, the object ofeducation is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.

In my opinion, life in modernsociety is not only a process of “learning to live” but also a process of “livingto learn”. The slogan “Live and Learn” can best reflect the concept of lifelongeducation. (226 words)


Sample essay for task 2:

ShouldFamily Schooling Exist

Meng Mu Tang, a privateschool in Shanghai,is modeled after the educational system of ancient Chinese home schools, which favoredrote memorization and recitation of classic works. But the local educationauthorities in Shanghaihave declared it illegal according to a report in 21st Century. Should family schooling exist? What role should itplay?

In my opinion, family schooling should be permitted to play apositive role in the current educational system inChina. Every family should be freeto choose the form of education that best suits their children’s interests andnatural gifts. Although the existing educationsysteminChinahas remarkably improved, it does not fit each child perfectly. Since familyschooling provides a means to develop a person’s talents and unique interest, Meng Mu Tang, as a private school gearedto a specific group of children, should not be banned in haste. In view of thecurrent dynamic, quality-minded educational reforms inChina, we should permit family schoolingto enrich and diversify our educational system.

On the other hand, home schooling should adapt itself to the modernworld. To prepare children for the future, it should equip them with knowledgeand innovative power so that they can cope with the development of the modern world.While tapping children’s innate talents on an individual basis, family schoolingshould never neglect their all-round development. Meng Mu Tang may not be a perfect private school, but we should letit live and have a try so that family schooling may eventually become anindispensable component of our formal education. (260 words)

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