

6分钟英语 2022-06-09

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Unit  8

Words in Action1

Working with Words and Expressions

1. In the box below are some of the words you havelearned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them.Change the form where necessary


1) collapses/collapsed 

2) characterised     

3) conscience    

4) threatens     

5) conventions

6) obliged

7) motioned           

8) reserve               

9) rendered            

10) recommended

11) internal      


13) resist                

14) undermine       

15) dared

16) speculate


2Inthe box below are some of the expressionsyou have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do youknow how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing theblank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.


1) short of              

2) run the (red) light       

3) disapprove of    

4) show up                    

5)inasmuch as              

6) make out              

7) on/in his behalf   

8) in retrospect


Increasing YourWord Power

1.Fill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper word from the boxbelow.


1) like    

2) as     

3) alike, like    

4) as            

5) alike    

6) like   

7) As     

8) Like    

9) same       

10) similar/alike.  

11) similar  

12) resemble


2.Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word relating to thehuman body, paying attention to the idiomatic collocation. The initial letterof the target word is given and the first one has been done for you as anexample. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.


1) eyes  

2) face    

3) shoulders    

4) hands     

5) feet    

6) heads   

7) hand

8) head  

9) eye    

10) ears       

11) heart    

12) hair    

13) heart  

14) eye


3.Word Building

The prefixes neo-”,“geo- , “bio-, “astro-, “hydro-areoften used to form new words, as is shown in thefollowing table.

Nowmatch each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese equivalent inColumn B. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.


1) l   

2) g    

3) j     

4) i   

5) n  

6) o   

7) b   

8) c  

9) a  

10) m

11) e  

12) f  

13) k   

14) d  

15) h

Grammar in Context2

Task 1Complete the followingsentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets. You mayuse different forms of the verbs, but try to understand the differences inmeaning.

Answers for Reference: 

1)        will be / is going to be / is to be; go; will hear /are going to hear

2)        are going to swim / are swimming / are to swim

3)        will be / is going to be/ is to be / to be; shalldiscuss / are going to discuss / are discussing / will discuss / are to discuss

4)        will be / is going to be / is / is to be; will be /are going to be / are to be

5)        will be opened / is going to be opened / is opened /is to be opened; will not be / is not going to be / is not; are to keep


Task 2Fill in each of the following blanks withthe proper form of the verb given in brackets.

Answers for Reference: 

1) are, will be; am changing, will be     

2) have used

3) will do                              

4) shall / will be having

5) will / are going to break                

6) would take

7) will have turned                        

8) should / would have got

9) shall have been working                 

10) would be sitting / would sit





1) enforced    

2) virtually    

3) obliged    

4) elderly    

5) blankly   


7) worrisome     

8) but    

9) undermine    

10) characterized    

11) lack

12) underprivileged 

13) traditional   

14) conscience    

15) touch    

16) inestimable 



Translatethe following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.

Answers for Reference:

1)        The riots threatened to get out of hand.

2)        Hegave me a look of the sort usually reservedfor naughty school children.

3)        Alarge number of scientists are campaigning onour behalf.

4)        I havenever laid claim to being an expertin this field.

5)        It isnot enough to act in good faith. Wealso need to act reasonably.

6)        Youmay score good marks by burning the midnight oil before the exams, but in the long run you have to study hardevery day to achieve academic excellence.

7)        Don’tstare at the computer screen for too long. Raise your eyes once in a while and look into the distance.

8)        It’s to your advantage to learn from themistakes of others. 


Theme-Related Writing5


You may choose one of the following writingtasks and complete it on your own after class.

1)  Write a narrative of about 300 words to describe a memorable personal experience thatbest exemplifies a type of human behaviour. Be sure to give your insight andcomment. You may model on the narrative structure and technique of Text A.

Sample Essay:

       On a burning hot afternoon, I ended my summer trip from Xi’an and got on a bus heading home, with anawfully heavy backpack on me.

After a while a middle-aged,dark-skinned massive woman got on the bus. Her clothes revealed her identity —a country woman with little education. Having paid the fare, the woman took herseat beside me. Immediately a smell of sweat rushed into my nose. By instinct,I covered my nose and turned my back. I looked around hoping to find anotherseat, but only to see the other seats all taken. Well, I guess I had to livewith the situation for now.

When the bus had passed several stops down the road,an old man came on board the bus. He looked very pale and was moving slowly.His head kept shaking involuntarily. As there were still no vacant seats, theold man had to hold the handrail while the bumping and shaking of the bus keptthreatening to throw him off his balance. A small voice inside my head naggedat me: “Respect the elderly and take good care of the young”; “Offer your seat to the oldman!” Yet, having been on the road for days myself, I was exhausted and was inno mood to sacrifice my own hard-to-come-by comfort. “Someone else will givehim a seat”, I said to myself. Yet, just as I was hesitating, the woman besideme got up and said to the old man with broken Mandarin, “Sit here, grandpa,please.” I was stunned. The act of kindness was not performed by awell-educated city folk, but by a less well-to-do country woman!

Suddenly I felt I was so small compared with thewoman. Very often, it is the so-called “little people” and the less educatedwho still preserve the simplicity and traditional virtues that oncecharacterized this great nation.


2)  Based on what you have learned from Text B,write an essay (of about 150 words) on the moral condition of our society interms of mutual trust. Your essay may cover the following points:

  1. Some     cases in which mutual trust in our society is lacking.

  2. Consequences     of the absence of mutual trust.

  3. What we can do to improve the situation or to enhance     mutual trust.


With the advance of modern society, we are growingmore suspicious of each other. This is clearly reflected in our reaction toadvertisements. Instead of seeing advertisements as a source of reliableinformation, we tend to doubt the truth they claim and always assume that theproducers are trying to trick customers into buying their products.

One of the most serious consequences of such absenceof mutual trust is the constant doubt and anxiety within our own minds. If wesee everyone else as a potential enemy, we can no longer make new friends; ifwe regard all information passed on to us as lies, how can we make use of suchsources effectively?

Mutual trust is the glue that holds the human societytogether. As students, we should try to foster mutual trust and help build up amoral society by our own deeds. Be honest to others and foster mutual trust,and soon we will see the difference.



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